- Safe and reliable charging of electric vehicles
- Development of charging infrastructures with EMH counters and transperancy software according to calibration laws
- Integrated dynamic load management (DLM)
- Integrated powerline communication (PLC) according to ISO 15118
- Integrated emergency release
- Smart grid-conform

Charging Controllers

Insulation Monitoring
- Monitoring of battery production for electric vehicles
- Insulation monitoring for unearthed DC charging systems
- Insulation monitoring for unearthed DC drive systems (IT systems) in electric vehicles

Residual Current Monitoring
- Monitoring of DC residual currents IΔn DC ≥ 6 mA
- Residual current monitoring of AC charging systems for electric vehicles
- Monitoring of loop resistance of protective conductor connections

Insulation Monitoring for Industries
- Insulation monitoring devices for AC, AC/DC and DC
- Coupling devices for isometers
- Insulation fault location
- Control and alarm panels as well as touchscreen solutions
- Protocol converters for fieldbus/Ethernet
- Visualisation solutions

- Insulation monitoring
- Isometers for 3AC systems up to 1000V
- Isometers for 3AC systems up to 2000V
- Isometers for 3AC systems up to 690V
- Isometers for AC systems up to 400V
- Isometers for disconnected consumers
- Isometers for DC systems up to 1000V
- Isometers for railway applications
- Isometers for DC systems up to 120V
- Isometers for DC systems up to 3000V
- Isometers for DC systems up to 400V
- Isometers for electromobility
- Isometers for photovoltaic systems
- Isometers for mobile power generation

Residual Current Monitoring
- Residual current monitoring devices for TN and TT systems
- Multi-channel residual current evaluation with 6 or 12 channels
- Residual current monitoring modules with integrated transducers
- Control and alarm panels as well as touchscreen solutions
- Protocol converters for fieldbus/Ethernet
- Visualisation solutions

Supply and Monitoring of Medical Equipment
- Distribution units for IT systems
- Control and changeover modules for main distribution
- Changeover and monitoring modules for rooms according to AWG 2 standards
- Isolating transformers
- Control and alarm panels as well as touchscreen solutions
- Protocol converters for fieldbus / Ethernet
- Visualisation solutions

Mobile Testing Systems
- Testing systems for medical electrical devices
- Testing systems for electrical machines and utilities

Measuring and Monitoring Relays
- Undervoltage / overvoltage relays
- Undercurrent / overcurrent relays
- Underfrequency / overfrequency relays
- Multifunctional monitoring relays
- Phase sequence / phase failure relays
- Asymmetry relays
- Loop supervision relays

Fault Indication Systems
- Display components
- Bus-capable fault indication systems
- Remote alarm systems
- Data logger
- Distribution boards for alarm management including visualisation

Power Supply Systems
- Cast resin and oil-immersed transformers
- Transformers for medical applications
UPS systems
- Single-phase UPS systems up to 10kVA
- Single-phase UPS systems up to 20kVA
- Three-phase UPS systems up to 500kVA
- Three-phase modular UPS systems up to 1008kW
Emergency power supply systems
- Emergency power supply systems according to ÖVE E 8101 (E 8007) as well as VDE 0100 Teil 710
Switched-mode power supply modules
- Single-phase switched-mode power supply modules up to 4A nominal current
- Single-phase switched-mode power supply modules up to 40A nominal current